Saturday, September 1, 2012

An Experience of a Lifetime

Everyone that hears about my opportunity tells me, "Your trip will be an experience of a lifetime!"  When I first started hearing this, I sort of brushed it off my shoulders.  Yeahh will be great.  However, as time has gone by, I am really coming to realize how amazing studying abroad will be.  This is the perfect time in my life and I am looking forward to taking advantage of every experience that is thrown at me.  I know at times, situations will be overwhelming, and I will probably cry until my waterproof mascara starts running.  But, getting through those tough times will make me stronger and in turn, a better person.

So...I am currently at the airport.  Let me tell you what a struggle it was the past couple days!!  I would say I am a pretty organized person.  However, this time, I did not plan my packing well.  It seemed like there was always more important things to do than pack.  So, when it finally came time to actually put things in suitcases (yesterday), I had a mild panic attack.  How in the world am I supposed to fit 4 months of stuff in 2 bags and a carry on?!  Not to mention the Arabic books that weigh entirely too much to travel with!

After purchasing a scale a weighing my bags a few hundred times- ;) -I finally got each bag to hit the EXACT 50lb limit! Yesssss.  So I am here.  Waiting to board.  I already feel such a sense of excitement and independence.  Bring it on, Jordan.

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