Monday, September 17, 2012

Peace in the Middle East?

I have never been the type to like politics, political science, civics, history, or anything having to do with government issues and the current media.  I feel like current media only portrays one image...and that is of depressive stories-that in turn, leave a distaste in my mouth.  That distaste then finds its way into my daily life.  Who wants to be around someone who lives their life with a sour attitude because most of what they see on the news are the sour stories that they believe lead our daily lives?

Well, I am one to say, that I have not completely fled from my distaste of the distasteful politics, but I have come to realize why it's so important.

Politics and the news are relevant because they play a major role in our daily lives.  Sure, you can go about your day to day life without caring about the government, the decisions that are made, or what is going on around you.  However, sooner or later, you will realize how beneficial your knowledge about current politics and media will become.  I am realizing this now.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is an issue that I have only skimmed the surface of.  However, being in Jordan for 4 months and taking "America and the Arabs" class has intrigued my interest in the subject more than ever before.

I am learning how many different sectors of society go into a conflict this big-economical, religious, political, and cultural issues all come into play.  I have some major reading to catch up on about the history of Palestine and the Israeli conflict, but I am enjoying the reading and expanding my knowledge about this topic!

I really do believe in the phrase, "Peace in the Middle East", and it means more to me now than ever before. I have been to 2 Arab countries now and I have seen some common burdens that people deal with on a daily basis.  

I will comment more on the traditions/cultural differences here another time!

1 comment:

  1. I fully believe that our knowledge about current politics and media will become increasingly more important. Media plays an obvious and important role in providing a way for the majority of a country's citizens to receive information. I enjoy reading your posts and hope to learn more about the area and it's politics through your travels.
